Ways to Give Back During King 5’s Home Team Harvest
ing 5’s 23rd Annual Home Team Harvest is back, and we need your help to raise 23 million meals for those in need!
Home Team Harvest is Washington’s largest food drive, with all donations benefitting Northwest Harvest. Northwest Harvest is the largest hunger relief agency in Washington, distributing food to every county in the state, including 400 food banks, meal programs, and schools.
Here at Kitsap Credit Union, one of the pillars of our philanthropic giving through the KCUCares Foundation is toward hunger and food insecurity. We know that many people in our community and beyond face difficulties putting food on the table. In fact, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an estimated one in 12 households face food insecurity in Washington state. As a sponsor of Home Team Harvest, we are working to give back to our community not just with dollars and food donations but also with our time.
On Wednesday, November 1, our CEO/President, Shawn Gilfedder, and our marketing team spent the morning kicking off Home Team Harvest by volunteering at a local food bank, North Kitsap Fishline. We look forward to continuing to volunteer at food banks throughout our community during Home Team Harvest and helping reach the 23 million meal goal!
Home Team Harvest is happening now through Dec. 31. Each of our branch locations has a donation box available for food items during this time. To make monetary donations to Northwest Harvest, please visit https://www.northwestharvest.org/?form=HTHKING5.
To learn more about Home Team Harvest and food insecurity in Washington, please visit https://www.king5.com/article/news/community/king-5-23-million-meals-goal-home-team-harvest-2023/281-71e994c8-4c77-46dd-a9cc-a46d00d9e914