Your account number, along with our routing number, are essential for direct deposits and electronic payments. To protect your financial security, ensure you keep your account number confidential and share it only with trusted parties.
Desktop View
Step 1: Log
in to your Kitsap Credit Union account and choose your personal checking account.![]() | Step
2: Select "Account Details.![]() | Step 3: When the account details are displayed, locate the routing number as the second item listed and account number as the third item listed.![]() |
Mobile View
Step 1: Log
in to your Kitsap Credit Union account and choose your personal checking account.![]() | Step
2: Select "Account Details.![]() | Step 3: When the account details are displayed, locate the routing number as the fourth item listed and account number as the fifth item listed.![]() |
Routing Number
Account Number – Online Banking
Account Number - Mobile Banking
Please note
That if you are looking for your savings account information, and you opened your account prior to August 2014, you will need to contact us directly to get your account number. The routing number remains the same for all accounts. If you need further assistance, please contact our Call Center at 800.422.5852 or 360.662.2000. We’re available 24/7/365 and we’re ready to help.